Today's the day! We are flying to Barcelona! There are so many excited nerves flying around Josh and I. We are now seated at the A gate in the Atlanta airport with two backpacks that probably should have been checked rather than carried because of their size. Josh is devouring a chocolate bar while I write. There are kids screaming everywhere and the two of us are just grinning ear to ear. My mom dropped us off a little over an hour ago with tears in her eyes. It's crazy to think that we will not be home for 6 weeks! As Josh and I walked through security, I thought of all the many people traveling and how we are all together but will soon be all over the world. We started guessing how far a person's flight was based off their clothing. I look like a 24 hour flight and Josh looks like a two hour. Typical.
Thats all for now! Ciao from two love birds in a crowded airport.
All the best,